Saturday, March 12, 2016

Friday Voices

Friday Voices

Dawn.  Late morning.  Birdsong out beyond the opened blinds.

I am telling you

all of this because

I have never met anyone so at peace and

willing to listen.

There are two cardinals.  One is a red flare on a bouncing

twig just above the shed, the other

a plaid on the peak of the swingset.

I go on and on about her and her and him and

this other one and the thing I said or should have.


Both fly away now.  The neighbors let their dog out, a caramel candy with claws.


How can you be so gentle and concerned yet

so relaxed?  I talk to you about it because when I say it

you don't fall apart or make a face.  I can stomp down into your floor, solid

and just keep talking.

Wind gets gusty.  You hear the neighbors voice.  Calling out for her.

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