Wednesday, June 9, 2021



Suddenly it all faded for a moment. And then I woke in a horrible sweat on the floor of the jungle on the island. I spit sand from my mouth and tried to orient. Was I hearing a voice? I'm not sure.

If the world is alive it's wind is life… 
(Something like that.)

I think that was the first message (his fingers made air quotes) communicated. Something was definitely being revealed to me.

It was so strange and powerful. There's just no way to explain.

Is it okay if I just narrate some of it like this and then read portions? Because most of whats here is chicken scratch, but as I'm piecing through it it's coming back to me like it was yesterday. So bear with me…

Of course! No worries, just keep going. I'm not changing the channel man, no way.

But, in that place I had the clear assurance that something was being revealed to me… I was being shown something of tremendous significance, something that at the moment I would not be able to understand, but that I needed to pay careful attention to in order to bring the full revelation to pass.

But what for? She asked.

That's just it, I don't know. He said. But every piece of it, every particle was irreducibly essential to the fulfillment, to the greatest impact and complete import of carrying forward a mission… Some sort of a World Healing Mission… Some big, radiant cosmic love… thing.

Really!? She said.

Absolutely! It was like if I didn't take notice of one tiny little piece of it the whole thing was going to flop and with grave consequences, certainly not just for myself but for everyone… It was like some global thing! My stomach is even tightening up right now.

No way… She said.

Then it would all turn a certain way and I was outside of it. It wasn't me, but about me.

For a time I just read myself like a story character that someone wrote about… But the longer I stayed in that place the more things I heard and tried desperately to write down… First in the Poppy dream… And then, after the fact, quite frantically in this little notebook… I wrote for most of the three days that followed after I awoke and … as I mentioned last night…Zoe is my witness.

Just then, Fred barked and jumped to his feet as though trying to alert the both of them. He ran off and splashed into the water. He kept it up for a time, repeatedly entreating them to follow him and do the same, with plenty of those wet dog shakes in between that only retrievers like he knew how to twist out perfectly in the summer sun.

After getting a few dips into the water on this hot afternoon they opened beers and ended up under a shade tree with him fumbling through some of the best pages, as far as he was concerned.

Check this one out, He said, all the while flicking his big toe over the second toe again and again, bouncing has crossed leg up and down as he read with great enthusiasm.

Speak the thoughts and say what they show… all you ever do is attend the flow and say what it is and where it goes and what your ears want to tell us and your nose discerns and what your fingertips touch and point to and where your curiosities and wanderings take us, wherever they may lead… Attend to the flow… Tell us what occurs to you… What seems to make no sense… Eat a sandwich or sit down to look at a tree. Tell and show… Go boy go, go, go

Holy Shit! You have to read that again!

I know right? Is that nuts… or what? It's a wild and out of control feeling even now sitting here looking at these words – what on earth!?

Many miles away Zoe woke from a nap with a premonition. She sat up straight and knew, straight through each of her claw-tips, that he was finally unpacking the momentous dreams. A radio played in the yard where she found herself.

The voice of Freddie Mercury bounced around the entire neighborhood, off of tin roofs and brick buildings.


The shade beneath the oak tree at her special retreat was soothing to her Burmese spirit and body. Zoe purred well contented, reassured he was doing well.

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