Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Book 3: Eclipse 4

 The skies opened shortly after 1, giving a lift to all the faces of the city buildings. He pulled up to pick up a few college kids on their way for some shopping. They were passing around cash and many of the phrases they used as they conversed sounded foreign to him and he felt old and he turned down his radio until dropping them off at 23rd and Jefferson, not far from old Zoe's favorite pet food store. Three doors down from the donut shop.

It was his privilege, he was aware that it was his privilege, and so knowingly he decided to leave the laptop closed and get out for a walk rather than fill himself with more of the very, very latest…

He wondered about solidarity. Down toward the park he sat at a bench and picked up a handful of stones at his feet and watched people and tossed pebbles into the garbage can across the pathway. He was two for six when he needed to pause and let tight jeans and fur coat walk past. Shortly after came foot shufflers and open jersey jackets, New York, Toronto. They shuffled on through the loose gravel at the edges of the path, perhaps unaware they were getting things kicked up into the grass.

It wasn't easy to stop smoking. Hopping out for a quick stroll, he left his jean jacket back at the apartment where the Marlboro Lights sat waiting. It was movies mainly, like when a guy has a stiff drink to get through something, it was like that also with smoking. But this time, tossing the pebbles… It was more about tossing them into the garbage can.

At 12/19 he decided to get up from the bench and make his way back. There was money to make and there was no way he'd even dream about another trip until he could make some serious coin. Especially given how gas prices had skyrocketed because of the war in Ukraine.

Instead he sat there for another short while and let himself dream about a trip… A huge trip to Europe, where he could get back to his homeland in the Czech Republic, get himself situated and then find entry into the war for the good guys.

It was way too Hemingway hit the freeway, grab a gun, fall in naturally with your unit where your comrades surround you with stories of their own about why they're there and paradisaic intentionality becomes willing to shoot weapons to save lives and sees no other remedy to protect but to shoot and to kill perpetrators of evil on the earth together. The hero was honest and empathic and respectful and openhearted, the hero who could see but one human race and every time and in every place. This is the hero we all wish to become for the world, isn't it?

I am eating a bowl of chicken and dumplings. It swims all chunky in the bowl and the gravy is rich with tinges of orange from the paprika. Sour cream gravy. What a mouthful of warm and simple food tasting so rich and you will not be hungry very soon after.

Mír na Ukrajině


(played on Google translate – it's the coolest in CZECH)

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