Thursday, October 6, 2022



Recent news carried a story about a tragic train derailment in Montana. I think about that story now, sitting here at my computer, my mouth offering words that show up on the screen in the notepad that is currently working.

Out of the blue it appears I have lost some functionality with voice commands and may not be able to find assistance for almost an hour to right the ship and get back in control of moving the mouse around my screen and many of the other basic functions I rely on to accomplish my work list for the next short while. It's a derailment.

For the last few moments I've thought through what might be causing the change in how the computer is responding to me. Thus far I have theorized that a disagreement occurs between a new update of the operating system and one of the applications I rely on for voice control and dictation. Nevertheless, the derailment is real and solutions are beyond my grasp currently without the support I need. It's probably fixable, just not right now.

I have considered trying a few things, but fear most a complete lockup of the system which would leave me unable to do anything for the next 50 minutes. I'm not sure I'm willing to gamble with that right now so I've chosen to do some writing here in this pad instead.

Sitting in a train, floating speedily along the surface of the earth can sometimes give someone a false sense of what is really happening to them. Gazing out the window at the surrounding landscape, maybe even sipping morning coffee on your trip, one never thinks about the very competent engineer keeping things on track, all of the trains nuts and bolts connected to locomote in unison, the tracks integrity, with all in perfect balance and measure to keep the movement seamless and safe.

Passengers like us are contingent beings who understand should anything cause the train to stop or be thrown from its course we are no longer passengers but people sitting still (or tragically hurled aloft to plead God's mercies.)

So what about passengers here on earth, everyday human beings who from the outside appeared to just be floating along the surface of the earth, gazers and doers making their way along? As long as we are able and given air to breathe, we take it in and let it out over and over again, or else… Of course, it is no different with drinks or with food, with physical locomotion and daily interaction with fellow human beings. These are good reminders that can help us to be grateful for all of the ways our needs are met day in and day out in whatever way you currently believe that is happening for you and your family and friends.

For me, right now, and maybe just now for the next 20 minutes that I have left until my help arrives, my soul has been drawn to others and to my self who may experience derailment, perhaps routinely or even as a way of life [on the rail, off the rail] that has nothing to do with their choices or how they perform as a passenger. They have been born disabled, intended for travel.

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