Monday, March 21, 2022

Book 3: Eclipse 7

I create. The ancient Greek term for poem comes from this verb. I guess it's a verb.

Guessing is a verb. A gerund?

The human is most essentially the being who creates.

Open your mouth. Create a world and land yourself comfortably down within it.

Do you thirst? Bring something to your lips. Choose it, illustrate. Do not rush yourself

For any reason. Ever. What is the drink? What does it taste like? What sensations

Does it bring to your mouth

… in terms of its various qualities

… Thickness or thinness…

… of warmth or coolness

… Be taught by your tongue about the world

your lips.

Find the black heavy gun in your own hands. Feel the hairs rise on the back of your neck.

Your throat is parched and you swallow heavily.

The Blackwater BW 15 Rifle is a premium tool for today's civilian warrior.

Very soon you may need to be able to run while carrying this weapon and it might be necessary to turn behind you with some degree of agility and be able to shoot people who are chasing you… I'm pretty sure that's what we're looking at… One possibility at least… For sure…

He smoked another cigarette and he savored the out breath and received as much relief from the silly practice as he possibly could. Making it glow brightly at its tip.

We are a sharp unit, great vision. We have great intelligence and complete confidence in the people backing us up to go in and take care of this. What an amazing network of compassionate and loving people. And they are competent, these ranks are tight.

Instincts – heart and soul. We will show up fully and perform like patriots: We will remember these times.

Anyone else just feeling odd about our capacity to kill right now… ? How many hundred rounds per second…? Good Lord.

Having come up early now the moon found its way to the center of the sky. Did it not appear more near the darkness than the earth this night and why? 

The house drew down to an eerie silence.

Go time was 3 AM.

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