Monday, November 5, 2018

FIRESIDE CHAT: Satisfaction Begets Satisfaction

4.  Satisfaction begets Satisfaction

Gratitude is satedness, contentment or the felt sense of a satisfied fullness.  Wanting what we have, blessing by blessing, we fully enjoy each gift.  Contentment is a posture of ongoing satisfaction which is carried as ease and peacefulness without pestering among choices or sorting through endless preferences.

Instead of wondering if we are comfortable enough or satisfied enough as though in a cycle of perpetual wanting, we intend with a loving energy, from the inside out, to gaze upon the beauty of nature, to pray over a loved one with a smile, to bless with a nod each bird, touch with our eyes each twig.

Satisfaction with what is can be the next choice you make.  Where you take it is up to you.  Thanksgiving is an exercise in the full enjoyment of God's bounty of which we, from butterfly to bingo night, may happily partake.

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