Friday, December 7, 2018


merrily, merrily
merrily, merrily

I cannot believe how utterly blessed I am… To have you as a friend… To have you witness my life so beautifully just the way you do, like no one else can, truly…

I can have dreams of horses all throughout the day and night and I can show them to you and we can ride them side-by-side down every rocky avenue we wish and quietly beside every stream… Hear the waters trickling… I want to go everywhere and I am taking you with me. I’m taking you all with me…

Of course, you and you… And most certainly you, dork. How could I not?

Can I ask you something – When I remember you and I feel connected to you can you feel it also? Do you ever have a twinge of something that feels warm and thankful at once, that can squirm straight up the corner of your mouth or wriggle all twirly out from your belly somehow in a way that surprises but leaves you shamelessly pleased, surely agiggle?

Yes, blessed indeed.

I can even see the future. There, I said it.

And so can you, we are utterly blessed, so can you.

Children are laughing all over the place in every shape and color and size and with hopes… Real ones. That's the future, man.

The whole world is held together by this one glue; the laughter of children, the stuff of their dreams in which they each have meaningful day jobs in the world doing something heroic and playful all at once, mapping out new worlds for themselves day by day with the only challenge before them to find ever newly inspiring and creative ways to express love and joy and peace and kindness and self-mastery and patience; and to find more and more enjoyable ways to blossom and further the abundance, the essence of which is Love, such that cannot ever be thought or spoken but must be sung, must be giggled out by those whose hearts trust the flight of ever and again being swept away into something more dazzling and enduring than they'd yet conceived of.

I simply cannot believe it, how blessed indeed.

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Here is why sometimes suddenly the sadness
will just overwhelm me... here is the reason...

I let it all come to me, I let it fall straight down
sharply into my spirit and my body, I let it pierce
me, I let it hurt me terribly and make me vomit...
my sons and daughters are dying in madness
darker than any had dreamt possible... randomness
of terrors and the earth burns and floods and
promises an end so painfully soon of how the
earth feels to us... the extremities will not
relent... watch the winds... watch the people's...

CRY OUT!!  Cry and grown and yearn...

Go where it points you, Trust what you find,

Achieve what it promises or soon

Monday, November 5, 2018

FIRESIDE CHAT: Satisfaction Begets Satisfaction

4.  Satisfaction begets Satisfaction

Gratitude is satedness, contentment or the felt sense of a satisfied fullness.  Wanting what we have, blessing by blessing, we fully enjoy each gift.  Contentment is a posture of ongoing satisfaction which is carried as ease and peacefulness without pestering among choices or sorting through endless preferences.

Instead of wondering if we are comfortable enough or satisfied enough as though in a cycle of perpetual wanting, we intend with a loving energy, from the inside out, to gaze upon the beauty of nature, to pray over a loved one with a smile, to bless with a nod each bird, touch with our eyes each twig.

Satisfaction with what is can be the next choice you make.  Where you take it is up to you.  Thanksgiving is an exercise in the full enjoyment of God's bounty of which we, from butterfly to bingo night, may happily partake.



3.  Attentive to World Care

The world project is well underway and those of us who live now to speak of it witness yet another of humanities episodic movements toward contraction and isolation, vengeance, violence and fear mongering between people groups, oddly among those who would refer to themselves as more civilized or "blessed."

The world's wealth and power not only remains disproportionately located but highly consolidated among leaders who benefit directly from oligarchic national control and who also vivify the same opportunistic pattern among others like themselves, thus putting the globe at risk of being ruled by the wealthiest few for their own benefit and with an eye toward collaborating to secure such control with the promise of longevity.

It is incumbent upon us to stay alert, therefore, and to remain vigilant in our discourse; that which happens on social media, among the faculties and students of our universities, the scholars and pastors, the artists and poets.  It's an important time to remember the power of speech, the shaping and mis-shaping capacity of language.  It's an important time to remember the power of paying attention to one another carefully by listening to our family members from all around the world with great care, focus and a willingness to see ourselves through their own faces of concern and intention.

Humanity is not a given.  Humanity is the fragile blossom of a well tended, living and fragile planet filled with vulnerable persons who need each other.  It shows up while we are humane, when we enact the peace and empathy and harmony we long for.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Freedom of Thanksgiving


2.  The Freedom of Thanksgiving

The greatest liberating power on earth is gratitude.  Present to one's own life, practicing the intentional naming of daily blessings causes one to see again, in its immediacy, the life-giving power of the bread, the cup; the in-breath, the out-breath.

Paying attention to what we consume and the comforts of our daily rhythms can constitute a sort of unending mindfulness which has little space for comparison or envy which can so quickly captivate us.

Set free from unawareness and an indifference to the gifted and multilayered nature extant amidst the wondrous complexities of the world surrounding us, we at last know how to receive properly and also how to share.  Remembering this leaves me wanting to give as I have received.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018



1.  Generosity is Activated Gratitude

Gratitude is a living thing that carries the truth inside.  When it is active in a human being that person is postured not only to receive but to knowingly and trust-fully open themselves in full awareness of their essential contingency as a being, a being who is aware that they are sustained breath by breath, drink by drink, and so on, by the life-giving powers of God the Creator.

The generosity of God is the center of the human family table, love becomes food at our lips for our flourishing as individuals and members in community.  Every meal connects us to every person who had a hand in cultivating its fruits and vegetables, packaging and distributing various products throughout our neighborhoods, all the way to the cashier you pay at Meijer.  The faithful grains of the field become our daily bread and on these many miracles we are fed.

If you are living comfortably and gratefully the question then is how will that gratitude manifest in your relationships?  To the earth?  To one another?  A logical and possible answer: With generosity, hospitality and by cultivating ourselves into a people who desire to support other people with needs more pressing than their own, and understanding that in doing so we aren't losing anything but gaining all that much more experience in what it means to flourish TOGETHER as a profoundly resourced and resourceful, interdependent human family.

So let us pray and live what we pray for.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Letter to the Children, 2016

[2 years ago]

September 29, 2016

The same week in which I again became a Great-Uncle, 100 children were killed in a war in Syria.  This is my letter to the children, all of them:

There are many things that I would like to say to you today.  Sometimes I think there are so many things that I choose not to say anything at all because it seems overwhelming to know where to start, so much seems so painfully out of place in our country and in our world.  Gods vision of us all living together happily seems so difficult to hope for or participate in right now.

Also, perhaps like many of your parents and teachers, I fear exposing you to some of the more dark and disturbing realities, things I don't want you to see or have to deal with until you are older and more capable of managing your fears and your power.  Nevertheless, with much dismay and some despair, I see how much you are witness to so long before you are ready, even while you are still forming a picture of life and the world, you see and hear things that you should not.  Earth and Heaven were never meant to be places where people hurt each other.

The screens of your life bring so much to you, don't they?  All kinds of images and messages from all over the world.  Mostly now you may be watching shows, talking and playing with your friends the simple games that kids play.  But I fear that soon enough these same gadgets will be bringing you images and messages that can be quite harsh and terribly difficult to understand.  Even if you ask me about them, so many circumstances of violence and poverty and dangers to the environment, I feel as though I am hardly able to sort them out myself though I have studied about these things for many years.

So I want to do my best for all of you, you see, even though I'm not sure of how it may help or not.  The things I talk about will raise questions and so I hope to keep talking together so that all of the questions can be heard and addressed over time.  Think of it as a project we engage together.

As I do this now as carefully as I can and as genuinely as possible, I recommend you do the same in your life too, as often as you can for your own happiness and for the healing of the whole world.

We Get
What We
What Is Given

These are just a few words that make up a poem, of sorts.  But if you read them carefully the poem means different things.  It makes me think of two things:

1) What I do with the circumstances I am in is up to me and can greatly affect what I get out of life.

2) I can only do what I can with what I am given and we are not all given the same "stuff."

Most of the people I know usually emphasize the first one or the second, but rarely both.

People are born into all kinds of different circumstances.  Some are poor and hardly have enough to eat.  Some have everything they need and an excess of resources that expands the list of choices they have.  Many of us in America, for example, grow up rather comfortably.  We get to choose our favorite stores and restaurants, our many toys and outfits.  But many in our same country do not have those choices.  Their parents have less money to care for them, or maybe there is only one parent sometimes.  Sometimes their parents also grew up in families that struggled to find opportunities for work and an equal chance to succeed because of their race or ethnicity or their physical makeup.

Adults in America argue about why this is the case.  They argue about how to fix these unfair circumstances with so many having so much and so many having so little.  They say "Many of the poor just don't want to work."  They say "Give someone a job and they will flourish."  So who's right and who's wrong?  I am not always ready to say so easily.  It deals with many factors, especially something called economics which we will talk about next time [although it is pretty complicated.]

But here's what I do know.  Those who start off with less have a much harder time than those who start off with more.  This is why those who are rich are more than likely to stay rich and why those who are poor are more than likely going to stay poor.  It's like two people starting a race; one out way ahead and the other way behind.

Around the world it is worse.  There are rich and powerful nations and there are poor and vulnerable nations.  The more powerful use up most of the resources around the globe and those who are poor are left with far less than they need to prosper.  When they trade with each other it is always unfair.  Imagine having only rice to trade with at lunchtime.  Despite God's creating this world with more than enough to go around, over many centuries those who have accumulated most of the wealth and power have created tragic conditions of scarcity.  Because they have taken too much, millions of people don't have nearly enough.  People are forced to live in fear of not being able to meet their basic needs.  Because America and its friends have far more power and natural resources, much of the world is struggling and the adults who are struggling are very angry.  Some of the anger is against their nearby neighbors or even people within their own country.  They see their children suffering and they want it to stop so they use violence.  Other adults may join them because they are hurting terribly for other reasons we do not always understand.  But you need to know that there are many, many people who do not like us for the reasons I'm talking about.  Some have stopped fighting with each other in order to start fighting with us.

So keep in mind, there are children like you who only have rice and water when it is available.  In fact, it can be so bad that some of them would be happy to come here and to live as "a poor American" instead of struggle where they are.  Though it is very dangerous and some die on their way here, some of these people try to walk to America from Mexico and are turned away.  Others can only dream of escaping the place they are because it is dangerous and there is horrible fighting.

They live in violent places where the adults have allowed their anger to cause them to hurt one another, even the children.

And -- I have to tell you my dear ones -- this is where it gets so difficult for me.  I do not want you to be afraid of war and fighting.  But I do want you to know that the world has been hurt by human beings.  We have hurt each other greatly over many years and we have hurt the earth.

At your young age it is not too early to start caring about what hurts other people.  When you grow old enough to begin solving the worlds challenges [this is not impossible] with each other, it will be good for you to remember how much pain people have experienced because of these kinds of unfairness.

What Can You Do Now?

You are not too young to pray for peace and for healing between all people who are fighting and killing in the name of their special causes, which are never truly religious or have anything to do with God and Love, not ever.

You can begin the practice of careful listening which is not easy to do whether you are old or young.  When we listen to other people and truly hear what hurts them, we can begin to think of ways of helping one another and living together more comfortably as everyone's needs are met.

You can begin practicing sharing and being generous.  The more you have to share and give, the better.  Our perfect example of this is God who gives and gives and gives so much to everyone.  God doesn't play favorites and neither should we.  If we have taken too much we should start to give it back, we should include the interests of everyone when we make decisions as a global community.  You can begin trying to cooperate with your friends and classmates.  But you have to want to -- deep down believing that this will make an important difference.  Indeed -- it will.

God has always had a serious interest in our involvement in shaping and caring for the entire creation and all who live within it.  From the very beginning God invited us and gave us the responsibility to extend this care as those living in a garden.  This garden will again be perfect some day and you and I can begin to make that happen right in the here and now.

I look forward to talking with you more later about this.  That's probably enough for today.

-- -- --

October 3, 2016

A 60 minutes interview entitled The New Cold War disclosed a willingness on the part of Russia and the US [military officials] to use nuclear weapons in a limited capacity should they deem it necessary, opening up the possibility for these weapons to be used for specific and current strategic initiatives.  Fear of an escalation that could end in the annihilation of millions no longer prohibits either from seeing nuclear weapons as merely one part of a complete arsenal.  Before the interview played online an advertisement roared on the screen for a violent videogame rated for mature audiences only.  Does CBS know this?

This makes me want to talk with the children.

Do you know how much power you have?  The things that you say and do can really affect other people.  No doubt, you know how much another persons words and actions can mean to you.  We have all been hurt at some point and we have all made others hurt at some point.  We are vulnerable and we are powerful.

Do you know why the main religions all over the world agree when they say: Do Not Kill?  Do not steal?  Do not lie?  It is because most human beings have learned to cherish life and enjoy honest and trusting relationships.  Truly religious people know that basic respect for everyone is the best way to live peaceably and happily.

Still, there have been many wars, as you will learn about in school.  How on earth could this happen?

First of all, don't think I'm going to tell you in just a few paragraphs.  It is something that people have been concerned about for as long as people have been talking to each other about anything.

I think the best place to start is right where you are.  If you have brothers and sisters something tells me you may have had an argument with them recently.  You or they  had an opportunity to cooperate or share or work together and chose not to.  I know, I know... you think you had a good reason and when you told them that good reason they still didn't understand you or listen.  Or maybe one of you were jealous or wanted something the other had so badly that it made you act up and cause trouble on purpose even while you know you are lying about it.

See how it all starts?  We start feeling cheated and not loved enough.  We begin doing whatever we want without worrying how it will affect the other person.  In fact, it takes effort to think about other people on purpose doesn't it?  Everybody likes their freedom to do what they want.  But when doing that hurts another person or means they can't have what they really need to be happy and fulfilled, then that's a different story isn't it?

You hear about nations in the world.  These have taken shape over centuries and many times how much land and resources each nation has has been the result of much fighting and many people dying.  Unfortunately, this means that most of what you learn about in history class will be what the wars were and who fought them and who won.  Some people even say that what we call history is the story that is told by people who have been victorious.  Sadly there is much truth to that.

But as we continue talking, I guess I'd like to have it clear up front that war and killing were never the intention of God no matter who you ask who is truly religious.  In fact, most would tell you about God as a creator of the world and of the human family.  At the beginning everything was as it was supposed to be and there was plenty enough to go around just like today.  The only problem is as the family grew some started to want what the other one had and vice versa and so they became afraid of each other and started finding ways to defend their territory and their stuff.  Sometimes they would steal from each other or other clans and groups of people.  Over time this became a very treacherous undertaking -- building up treasure and weapons to be powerful.  Some of the nations that formed wanted to grow and grow until other kinds of people didn't exist at all.  It causes me a lot of sorrow to tell you that this same tendency exists today and that is why you hear about wars and a kind of war that is called terrorism.

As I mentioned last time, there are many people who have experienced tremendous pain and who have lost brothers and fathers and mothers and sisters -- many of them were innocent women and children who were simply in a territory or near resources that were valuable.  Vengeance -- a desire for revenge, to hurt the one who hurts you, remains one of the strongest motivations for war and terrorism around the world today.  Acts of war are also recognized and people talk publicly about who they hate and why.  They often cite experiences where many innocent people have died because of some other group or nations violence.  Time goes by and different groups keep wanting to pay back the other group for the pain they caused.  And it goes on and on.

Becoming aware of these things can be scary.  But once again I want you to remember that most of the people on earth have an idea about God's beautiful creation and all God's intentions to see us flourish together as one human family where all our needs are met and we all live happily together for ever.  Millions and millions of people have this same vision of life -- its origins, its ultimate destiny.  This is the vision that I invite you to think about most and first and often.  I want to ask you please to dream about paradise, dream about the garden of Eden, dream about heaven -- use your imagination routinely to show yourself and one another what it can look like.  And please do not ever say that there's not enough on the earth for the members of the human family, it is false and some need to lie about that to keep their power to keep others in fear.  And please do not ever say that everyone is bad so this is just how bad people end up living.

War is not necessary.  Killing is not necessary.  Pray for heaven to come to earth and do everything you can to be a sharing, honest and loving person.

If there is war between you and your brother or sister, make it stop so that you can begin practicing how peace is made.  Learn to love human beings, every single one.  Make it your life's most favorite and famous achievement.  I love you and I will pray for you as you do this -- working hard day by day with God.  Do not wait for God to do the sharing and caring that this world needs.  It starts with you.  Talk to you later.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Randy's Favorite Self-Care Message


God says, "We have put in you a desire and a quest, and I, God, am the protector of that desire."
- Sufi saying

A friend of mine said the other day, there came a time to decide "I am a lover, not a fighter." That phrase carries him daily through all kinds of experiences.

When I recall these things I am reminded of some of the banners I try to wave in my own life: The Fullness of Life -- For All of Us, Forever... Or I return to commitments I've made to myself to cultivate a more compassionate presence: NONANXIOUS, NON-DUAL, NONREACTIVE, NONVIOLENT.

Challenges and conflict are to be expected in human life. Yet, how can I meet my experiences in a way that honors my essential nature? How can I be with what is? allowing things to be what they are... making choices about how I want to meet my circumstances? Only after this, do I want to consider what I will do next.

Do you live in a world where life comes at you or where you bring life out into the world around you? Are you a cup walking about waiting to be filled? Or are you more like a fountain bubbling up from the inside out? This will naturally vary from time to time but overall, what sort of posture do you discover within yourself most often?


Consider the start of the day and this desire to zero in on choice, intentionality as a beautiful gift and posture toward life. If we know what we are about in the world and we have a sense that strategies are possible, ways of living that out, ways of experiencing what we long for... most people would call that state of being Hope -- Can I Envision a Future Reality Where I Could Experience What I Long For?...

Amidst the tangle and confusion of many thoughts and emotions stirred around inside throughout my day... Can I name what's there?... look at my interpretations and evaluations, identify and name emotions... Can I continue the pursuit until I can zero in on and completely receive and enter/feel the energy of my passion, my longing? These passions are living energy within us, given to us by God so that we can enjoy the fullness of life. Simply naming them and holding them can move us out of stuck places.

If I allow myself to connect with my longing/intention and possible strategies emerge in my imagination... I have gratitude, hope and a sense of thankful appreciation. I have energy to pursue possibilities. And in my experience my friends, this kind of energy, begets more of the same.

If I allow myself to connect with my longing/intention and roadblocks and practical limits emerge in mind or circumstance...I feel sadness and I can practice grieving which is a practice of self empathy... and in my experience my friends, this kind of intentional grieving usually [grieving has its own timetable, this is not a formula for a quick fix] ... but some good old-fashioned grieving puts me back up on my feet to keep going (smile.)

(And remember, my dear ones, when you grieve you grieve through the heart of God, with and for everyone who has ever the way that you are hurting.)

I may also feel emotions of despair and anger, when I cannot see possibilities. I may have apathy, I may act out aggressively or violently -- toward myself or others, I might blame or judge or become captive to a story of my own making. If these emerge, I do not avoid or pass over them or try to get out of, or beyond what's present. There are no shortcuts. In my experience my friends, it is good to be with God and loving friends through darker times like these... that do pass... although sometimes painfully slowly.

In a few words, intentionality is: Naming my next best way of meeting the moment.


Set goals and love yourself enough to stay with them. Ask often, "What Am I about in This World?" Compassionately notice what you do with that answer, again and again. Grieve authentically when you are unable to see your dreams take root and grow... Celebrate with gratitude when they turn into something helpful or healing or peaceful. Later on you might be able to say "Look what rose up out of the ashes of my pain and confusion and worry."

Consider other requests you might wish to make of yourself in the service of your own joy and fullness. Those around you will inherently be blessed by your dreams and hopes. As you let life and love flow through you, you cannot help but become the Light of the world. You can warm yourself in the same glow you set out to ignite. The cold and foreign world may even seem to thaw somewhat, seeing how beautifully you tried to love it.