Thursday, October 27, 2016

Important, right?

There must be

something here

in this place

where we are found

sometimes waiting on friends.  You could sing it

like Mick Jagger if you like, that is how it is

right now for me though the Stones did not do that one, there was no Clemens saxophone solo

as I recall, the night I saw them live, celebrating the direct hit of Mick's

spittle on my face with a witness beside there in the second row.

No, there is nothing negligible here, technically I'm not just waiting, right?

I'm needing the peculiar tone and timbre of that one voice no one else can do

but you, who I would never say I'm waiting for technically, I'm sure you'd agree

and then invite me to a more poetic word than technically, but as I was saying, my friend

there must be something here where I sit wanting to point out just now

this spattering, as though I'd sprayed the screen on purpose with glass cleaner, this constellation

of salivation that flew forth from my tongue while I spoke leaving the words on white nearly


on the surface right here in front of me.

If you were here you would quick wipe it off and say "Look there, now

we can really see ourselves."

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