Saturday, May 7, 2016


I ask for help

And squinting face aglow I pray a spark-lit midlife of the
Creek, exhale her nations humble witness, ache for new frost
bare feet my walking as she's only known, raised up at first light, how to taste
the day naked and grateful as willow in song and ask for help.

See the speck of an eye aglow a face, do you know what it takes for the sun to reach through your morning window and pray you awake and squinting?  Your eyes are midlife slow unpasted, a grain through the night your molars grit from supper spit and finish your spark-lit note thank you for being Joy.  And the yard's while you slept become a pale frozen face never knowing the sense of your naked feet your flame hurling your dance and dawn up alive and gathered as a man, a sense from cold oaks standing witness pale and silent.

November creeks and burbles its new frost witness.  I crave the northern birch, pray tongue to my teeth and the cold dark stream coiling the dune pale and down the mile or two as I could walk away, crave the dew fallen by degrees and the taste of craving snow.  I'll day away, exhale I fear and lose the sense and midlife ache instead and humbly paste the trees inside and never face asking.

Because it is not easy being Joy or how to taste, because my walking eyes witness how a spark-light travels its course its trillion prayers on pace to keep on going to kiss a 
raised up moon and trail its naked way to earth and landscape coil the song of mountain willow walk and wake the oak and bare your home-light window through the pain to taste your face.  

Because the tall waves gone to seed to feather tip the autumn beach grass held its place as without feet or seed you did pass by all Indian sewn and through a sky the summer gone.  Because by grateful day you frost and trail for song and evening snug the ocre bowl spun clay fired sweet for squash upon your plate. Because I cannot touch the willowed world without it, taste the bending near and grateful tree held pending in its grace for now I raise it up as Creek in nations song as joy and fallen dew as ache, I naked thank and crave and praise and ask for help.

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