Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Entry 6.2

 Well… You may as well be right here with me experimenting… Finding out how well this is going to work. Thus far the accuracy of speech recognition is profoundly good! I will allow myself a glimmering of hope.

And immediately I want to pause… I am changing my process to give me tremendous access… And put many many words out into the universe rather quickly… I am trying to say we have removed stumbling blocks and the outcome may not necessarily be a tremendous good for myself and everyone else… I suppose we shall see, because this is part of the experiment after all. It requires some bravery to be a bold pioneer in the SPIRIT!

I do not intend to abandon my engagement of last year's journaling as well as other writings, but to continue as I have thus  far. So part of that entails simply going live every so often… Like now…

Where I could report a brazen pulsing pain in my elbow

or the voice of my wife on the phone in the other room where she's doing work

from home today, because… nevermind because. Or

I could report the possibility of a dream forming during a nap I Am

about to take, i am. slight formatting issues might also be on the list

of unexpected changes… which are now presenting minor issues

at present, which is to say, right now… live in this room.

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