Tuesday, November 15, 2016

First Sunday after Donald Trump is selected, a Prayer of the People

I am a human being... and you alone are God...

Yours was the first word and yours will be the last

God of compassion, you alone see all things as they are

Every living thing belongs to you -- every person is your child

I pray fully awake with a body broken, I pray for a body broken... we are fully awake, we are compassionate witnesses to upset and unrest... we are witnesses to demonstrations of hatred and of profound love and solidarity... we are compassionate witnesses to fear and faithfulness... we are witnesses to the sickening enemy imagery in our own minds, kindled in our own dangerous hearts... we are witnesses to brazen provocation and angular tactics of avoidance and wholehearted distraction... we are witnesses to hopeful trembling and steady friendships and we are compassionate witnesses waiting for the violence and hatred and bigotry to stop... we are witnesses waiting upon your very able, very capable healing hand...

Lord in your mercy... Here our prayer

We are messengers... and it is a season for simple prayers and loving restraint and persistent kindness.  ... You give us a brand-new chapter to write together, an opportunity to do so with deep reverence and respect and appreciation for all people, help us do so by our own efforts -- resourcing ourselves intentionally through daily worship, intentionally consuming fewer messages, intentionally taking less offense as a daily spiritual practice... help us resource ourselves by giving more and more to family time and quiet moments, tender loving conversations... where there is speaking and listening back and forth because we really want to understand each other... make us honest and generous and gracious messengers and receivers of messages

... there are so many things we love and treasure with people all over the world... who doesn't live for experiences of connection and cooperation and integrity and competence and inspiration and humor and understanding and on and on and on we could march it out what a life what a world what a miracle to be alive TOGETHER on this Earth... what a gift it is for us to be able to care for one another... we get to carry each other...

Lord in all your glory... hear our prayer

As we turn our hearts toward the needs of this household of faith... we know that underneath this roof there is room for all and NEED OF EVERYONE... ..Whoever you welcome we will welcome... we thank you for your reminders over the past few weeks to be very bold and to be very humble, to remember that the trustful thrive by trusting and that abundantly and fearlessly and tirelessly and hopefully -- we've been reminded that these are the only ways to love... and so we name some sisters and brothers right now holding them in our hearts...

And we join you now... in the prayer that you have offered us and still are trying to teach us... OUR FATHER/MOTHER hallowed be thy name...