Saturday, April 30, 2016

For Prince

On a bandwagon, hell yeah! Throwing MY electric

storm – out from the four corners of my suburban square

But no one will… BLAAAAAIRRnNnnana…Twoooo…( vamp straight blue, screw, 

stammer, shout, fall, flair, fly, fail, faint – cry like a dove)… 0000…

Did you say something? You're always saying something.

You're not Prince. He tried to tell you and I. Either was he.

What Apparent Might Say, If It Felt Itself

When you get

there -- and you will -- you

come find me.  Do that because

after all of this I am

still here and I know

you know that and it

makes you wonder how, on

earth, that can be.

It is.  It be.  Call me.

Friday, April 29, 2016


sure, cripple!

screw the f-ing bipeds

until you need something!

Thursday, April 28, 2016


What if

it causes me

to practice

perpetual communion;

entwining, scented,

ceaseless prayer?

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How Are Things?

Have we heard anything?

I was turning circles in the front yard

As birds sang.  I stopped, warming in

The Sun, the phone had not rung, there were

Cold breezes, we would have to wait

And see how things would unfold.

Well, Gramps might say,

In one of his old T-shirts, snug

Inside reading the paper,

What can you do?

Friday, April 22, 2016

[Another Postlude?]

When a poem leaves church it can

finally take off its bra and scratch audibly

and flip through the

channels for an afternoon without batting

or pitching or walking out to the mound, it can lick

its fingers a thousand times or

just wait until the bag is empty, it really

doesn't matter either way.  It farts without

expecting to hear God's voice.  What a relief to

know nothing and share it with the couch

cushions, the neighbor it sees across the street

working in his driveway in coveralls.  It might wait

to take a shower until later, it wants yoga without mirrors and hot

sauce and is pleased

there are three to choose from if

you can find them in the

sanctuary so cool, quiet, so full of good things.

It needs no directions, it forgets

what it was doing next but then

after a while thinks it might be nice

to pause and light a candle.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

He Expected Sweet Paradise

Coffee. A chill in the air, a search for morning sun.

Out away from it all, closer to it than ever… He got cowboy, put on Randy.

He expected sweet paradise.

He collared up cool in denim half river scruff under the barn cap
pitched a long rugged month in his tent mind, expected wood smoke to
dream stomach sweet inside and that he'd not for granted go gritted without and have 
all playing it fireside cowboy, stars charged and spit smoldering into hardwood paradise.

'It feels like somethin' he'd say if someone asked, half scruff an answer hard to river out tell but doubtless – whether where a jagged trail had led or a wiley sprang antelope, a soft Eve maybe lingering in the cool barn nights summers years ago – he'd go ready collared up and charged. Can't quite say but the Canyon's in it and that one time and another in his tent-beyond in came a quiet light like smoke-linger in fire lap high licked and far ahead of his hopes shone so long so always he now never left unready.

Kids, woods about them, think this way, boys mainly pitching tents maybe charged starry eyed long expected and smoldering in wait for Eve.  See, ‘It's a slant most days I can give my eye’ – black ant highway marching down crusted tree bark 12 years old, lanky stakes cutting pale the deep pitching down sturdy twine taught to nestle in the grass, stains on knees straddling stumps on a log bridge, grain weathered on worn streambed for 13 for 25 for manhood wet pure beneath the skin I tore off to dream the first tree ever, the sweet shade of it pulp of it mind of it, not mine see… it's now alive rugged for gritted all of us.

And Chasm Falls spun it, white swam fractured down a face-wall rock of canyon and jackpine sap playing sweet in that cool mid-morning holler blue the mountain pass, smoky dream inside it long the bluegrass chickweed all the rucksack leaves for granted gone boldery to stone and spidering up along the Colorado edge where – the gritted goodness of things granted – he'd have all, could be seen by just about anyone charged hard fireside into woody cowboy play.

Oh say, could your eyes beneath within expect to wet kid, can Eve you sometimes tent-beyond see? Could you cowboy into this fireside, pitch a stomach dream ancient, catch a hatful a barn cap aglow with glittering stars gritted o'er the flame and darkness? And join smoldering pure me, spit this way like boys mainly, a slant pitching down taught to true to joy to have all that somethin’ feeling paradise sweet, so granted, so expected.